TruSculpt ID Specialist

Skin Med Spa
Medical Spa & Aesthetic Laser Services located in Downers Grove, IL
Today’s advanced body contouring treatments provide excellent options for residents of Downers Grove, Illinois, looking to eliminate fat. One outstanding treatment is called truSculpt iD® and is available from the expert providers at Skin Med Spa. Request a consultation online or call the office today to learn more about truSculpt iD and whether it’s right for you.
truSculpt ID Q & A
What is truSculpt iD?
The truSculpt iD system is an innovative body contouring option that uses radiofrequency energy to eliminate a portion of targeted fat cells. Unlike some platforms that can only treat a small area at once, truSculpt iD can treat the entire abdomen or several smaller areas at the same time.
Another way that truSculpt iD is unique is the ability to treat patients with a higher body mass index. Most treatments are best suited for those who have reached and can maintain their optimal weight. TruSculpt iD can help those with a BMI of 30 and above.
How does truSculpt iD work?
TruSculpt iD uses radiofrequency energy to heat the deeper layers of your skin. Patented technology keeps the surface of your skin at a comfortable temperature from start to finish. Still, the heat generated in your fat layer goes to work, damaging the structure of fat cells.
Once those cells are compromised, they can no longer store fat. The fat within drains out to be processed and eliminated through your lymphatic system along with the cellular debris.
What kind of results can I expect from truSculpt iD?
Studies show truSculpt iD treatments can reduce the overall number of fat cells in the treatment area by 11%-25%. It’s important to understand that the process takes time, so you may not begin to notice results for several weeks.
As the damaged fat cells die and your body eliminates them, you will begin to see positive changes in the treatment area. The full results are apparent around 12 weeks after your final session, and it can take multiple sessions to achieve optimal results.
It’s important to understand that while truSculpt iD can permanently eliminate a significant portion of treated fat cells, those that remain can still expand and contract as you gain or lose weight. Gaining a considerable amount of weight after truSculpt iD can alter your results, so it’s good to have a long-term weight management plan in place before beginning treatments.
If you’d like to explore truSculpt iD in more detail, call Skin Med Spa today to set up your visit. You can also request an appointment online at any time using the online booking tool.
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