Botox Specialist

Skin Med Spa
Medical Spa & Aesthetic Laser Services located in Downers Grove, IL
If you have crow’s feet, forehead lines, frown lines, or other signs of aging, simple aesthetic treatments are available at Skin Med Spa in Downers Grove, Illinois. The practitioners offer Botox® and Jeuveau® cosmetic injectables to give you the smooth, younger-looking skin you desire without downtime. Schedule an appointment with Skin Med Spa over the phone or online to get started today.
What is Botox?
Botox is an injectable made of botulinum toxin type A. Your Skin Med Spa specialist can use it to relax muscles that contribute to frown, smile, laugh, and other fine lines associated with facial expressions.
Jeuveau, created by the CEO of Allergan, is also an FDA-approved neurotoxin, but its results set in faster than Botox.
What are Botox and Jeuveau used for?
Botox and Jeuveau can help reduce the following signs of aging:
- Frown lines between the eyebrows
- Crow’s feet
- Forehead creases
- Smile and laugh lines
- A cobblestoned chin
By allowing facial muscles to relax, these injectables can smooth creases and create younger-looking skin without plastic surgery or downtime.
Are cosmetic injectables right for me?
Your Skin Med Spa provider lets you know if you’re a good candidate for Botox or Jeuveau after reviewing your medical history, looking at your skin, and discussing your desired outcome.
They also offer dermal fillers and might recommend combinations of Botox, Jeuveau, and fillers. If you’re in good health and have realistic expectations, cosmetic injectables may be right for you.
What happens during my treatment?
During cosmetic injections, you relax in a comfortable chair. Your aesthetic specialist numbs the treatment area to ensure your procedure is comfortable and pain-free.
They inject the neurotoxin just beneath your skin at targeted areas of your face. The treatment is fast, making it an excellent lunchtime procedure.
What should I expect after Botox or Jeuveau injections?
After Botox or Jeuveau injections, you may notice some redness or swelling near the injection sites. Ice helps reduce these side effects. There’s no downtime after cosmetic injections, so you can resume a normal day-to-day routine immediately.
Botox effects often take a few days to kick in, while Jeuveau sets in faster. Your provider may recommend a series of injections to help you achieve the best results possible.
How long will my results last?
Botox-type injectables aren't a permanent aesthetic solution. Their results might last 3-6 months. After that, periodic maintenance treatments offer you long-lasting anti-aging results.
Don’t let fine lines and wrinkles negatively affect your self-confidence. Schedule a Botox or Jeuveau consultation with Skin Med Spa over the phone or online to find out which cosmetic injectable is right for you.
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