Laser Hair Removal Specialist

Skin Med Spa
Medical Spa & Aesthetic Laser Services located in Downers Grove, IL
Shaving, plucking, or waxing unsightly hair takes time out of your busy day and isn’t a long-lasting solution to hair removal. If you’re seeking a permanent fix, the practitioners at Skin Med Spa in Downers Grove, Illinois, can help. They offer laser hair removal to get rid of unwanted hair for good. Schedule a consultation with Skin Med Spa over the phone or online to learn more about this noninvasive treatment.
Laser Hair Removal
What is laser hair removal?
For laser hair removal, Skin Med Spa uses the innovative Lumenis® Stellar M22™ multi-application platform. With the Lumenis aesthetic system, the premier medical spa uses the LightSheer laser for laser hair removal.
The LightSheer laser uses diode laser technology, and it’s the most effective tool for permanent hair removal. Though the IPL laser is an effective laser tool for hair removal, the medical spa finds the LightSheer tool superior because of its diode laser.
Not all diode lasers are alike. The premier medical spa only uses Lumenis laser devices because of their long-standing history as a leader in laser technology.
With the Lumenis platform, Skin Med Spa treats more than 30 skin conditions and hair problems, including unwanted facial and body hair. For laser hair removal, the technology damages hair follicles to inhibit future hair growth and permanently gets rid of hair on your:
- Face
- Upper lip
- Neck
- Chest
- Back
- Abdomen
- Legs
- Arms
- Bikini area
Laser hair removal means you can avoid shaving, waxing, plucking, and electrolysis. It helps you gain confidence and improve your overall quality of life.
Is laser hair removal right for me?
To find out if you’re a good candidate for laser hair removal, your Skin Med Spa specialist reviews your medical history, discusses your desired outcome, and examines your skin. Laser treatment is safe and effective for all skin and hair colors and types.
If you desire permanent hair loss, the procedure is likely a good match for you. Laser hair removal can save you time and money in the long run.
How should I prepare for laser hair removal?
Your Skin Med Spa specialist lets you know how to prepare for laser hair removal. Protect your skin from the sun, avoid sunless tanning creams, don’t take blood-thinning medicines, and avoid waxing, plucking, and electrolysis several weeks prior to treatment. Shave the treatment area the day before your scheduled appointment.
What should I expect during laser hair removal?
During laser hair removal at Skin Med Spa, you lie down on a comfortable chair and wear special glasses to protect your eyes. Your provider can use a numbing cream to make laser treatment more comfortable.
They use a hand-held instrument to apply laser energy to your skin and damage hair follicles. The numbing cream diminishes sensations of warm pinpricks or rubber bands snapping.
With the LightSheer laser, your provider quickly and effectively treats the desired area.
What happens after treatment?
After a laser hair removal session, you may notice skin redness or swelling at the treatment area. Applying ice can relieve discomfort. Protect your skin from the sun, and avoid tanning beds.
Multiple laser hair treatments offer you optimal results, as hair growth occurs in cycles. Although hair doesn’t fall out immediately, you should see remarkable improvements after the first few treatments.
Periodic maintenance treatments help you maintain desired results for a lifetime.
Don’t settle for shaving, plucking, or waxing when laser hair removal offers you permanent results. Schedule a consultation with Skin Med Spa over the phone or online to get started today.
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