Have The Clear Face You've Always Dreamed of With AviClear

Have The Clear Face You've Always Dreamed of With AviClear

Tired of waking up every morning, checking the mirror, and finding even more acne?

Ready to be done with treatments that promise the moon, but don’t deliver?

Dreaming of a clear face?

That dream can now become a reality with AviClear, a new treatment using lasers to target and eliminate acne on your face.

The team at Skin Med Spa are experts in using AviClear to help their patients regain normalcy. Here’s how the process works.

What is AviClear?

First, a quick biology lesson. Acne is a skin condition that occurs when the pores of your skin become clogged, often with dead skin cells, bacteria, and sebum, the oil that keeps your skin from drying out. These blockages produce blackheads, whiteheads, nodules, lesions, and other types of pimples on your skin.

Acne affects about 85% of people between the ages of 12 and 24. Traditional topical and oral acne treatments mostly focus on the bacteria and dead skin cells to get rid of the acne, but a newer method is now showing promise.

AviClear is an FDA-approved laser that treats mild-to-severe acne by targeting the sebaceous glands that produce the sebum. With AviClear, selective wavelengths of light suppress the sebaceous glands, so the overproduction of oil is reduced — without drying out your skin.

The reduction in oil then leads to a reduction in your acne.

What can I expect?

During your appointment, one of our team members will cleanse your skin before applying the AviClear laser directly to the affected areas. Treatments are not painful. You may feel a slight warming effect and a small snapping sensation as the laser works. 

No anesthesia is required; in fact, AviClear’s patented skin cooling system and sensory controls keep the experience comfortable and quick. You may notice some mild redness and irritation immediately after the procedure, but this fades within a few minutes.

For best results, the Skin Med Spa team recommends you receive at least three treatments, with a month between each treatment. After your treatments, you can expect to see a reduction in your acne and an improvement in your skin’s overall appearance. 

As time goes on, 92% of treated patients see at least half their acne resolved within 12 months after their final treatment session.

If you’re ready to give AviClear a try, our team at Skin Med Spa is standing by. To make an appointment to see if AviClear is right for you, call our Downers Grove office at 630-541-8413, or request an appointment online today! 

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