Can Hormone Replacement Help with My Erectile Dysfunction?

Can Hormone Replacement Help with My Erectile Dysfunction?

Let’s be honest. If you clicked on this article, you might feel slightly embarrassed to be reading about erectile dysfunction. The thing is, you shouldn’t feel embarrassed because you definitely aren’t alone. Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects about 30 million men in the United States, so it’s a common condition.

However, even though the condition is common, it isn’t a normal part of the aging process. If you’re dealing with ED, something in your body is no longer working the way it should, which is where hormone replacement therapy comes in.

Here at Skin Med Spa, our expert team knows exactly how to help your ED if it’s caused by a hormone imbalance. Here’s how we can help.

What is ED?

Erectile dysfunction occurs when you aren’t able to achieve or keep a firm enough erection to have sexual intercourse. This can be a short- or long-term problem; if it continues to happen, it’s probably time to get checked out by a doctor.

ED can be caused by several different factors. Any man can occasionally  experience ED because of issues such as stress or depression, or habits such as smoking or excessive drinking. ED can also be caused by other underlying health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, Parkinson’s disease, or obesity.

You may also be experiencing a hormone imbalance that is causing your ED. As you get older, the level of testosterone your body produces naturally decreases. This can cause multiple symptoms, such as fatigue, hot flashes, foggy thinking, loss of muscle mass, low libido, and erectile dysfunction.

Hormone replacement therapy for ED

If you have been noticing these symptoms, you may want to have your hormone levels checked. If your testosterone level is indeed low, the team at Skin Med Spa will create a customized program of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. (Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as the hormones in your body.)

Depending on your individual situation, you may receive your testosterone boost in the form of a pill, lotion, patch, shot, gel, or pellet that is inserted under your skin to deliver a steady stream of testosterone to your body.

Once your hormone levels are optimized, you should notice a reduction in symptoms, an increase in your sex drive, and the return of normal, healthy erections that result in satisfying sex.

If you’d like to explore the possibility of hormone replacement to help with your ED, contact Skin Med Spa today. You can call our office to set up an appointment, or you can request your own appointment with our convenient online scheduler.

You don’t have to deal with this issue alone — we can help!

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