How Many Treatments Will I Need with Laser Hair Removal?

Did you know that the typical woman shaves 12 times a month, almost every other day? Over the course of her lifetime, she spends over $10,000 on shaving razors, gels, and related items, according to a survey reported in Glamour magazine. In addition to time-consuming shaving sessions, shaving also leads to another pesky problem: shaving bumps and ingrown hairs. 

That’s why the providers at Skin Med Spa in Downers Grove, Illinois, are happy to offer another solution via laser hair removal. Laser hair removal can target unwanted body hair so you can say goodbye to shaving and waxing sessions. 

Curious about laser hair removal? Continue reading to learn how many sessions you need.

Assessing your needs during a consultation

If you’re plagued by unwanted body hair — and you’re tired of shaving day in and day out — then laser hair removal can help you say goodbye to daily shaving. During a laser hair removal session, laser energy is targeted at your hair follicles, which prevents the follicle from producing hair as it normally would. 

According to the experts at Mayo Clinic, laser hair removal is most effective for individuals with darker hair and lighter skin tones. This means that laser hair removal might not be the best option for fine, light peach fuzz on your face. 

Instead, laser hair removal can remove unwanted hair on:

You discuss your cosmetic goals during your consultation, which is also the perfect time for you to ask your questions. Your provider talks to you about how to prepare for your appointment and what to avoid after your appointment — like too much UV exposure.

How many treatments do you need?

During your consultation, one of your first questions is likely to be, “How many treatments do I need?” The answer is rooted in knowing the growing cycle of hair. Laser treatments can only affect a hair follicle during the growing stage of the follicle. To ensure that all of your follicles are treated during the growing phase (and not the dormant phase), you need 4-6 sessions per area. Each session should be spaced about six weeks apart. 

Having 4-6 sessions sure beats daily shaving or monthly waxing appointments!

Say goodbye to shaving and schedule your consultation for laser hair removal

Whether you want beach-ready legs or you’re ready for smooth underarms, we can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

To schedule a consultation and find out if laser hair removal is right for you, call our office or request an appointment with our online scheduling tool.

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